I'm so happy I found him...even if I did ignore him non stop for the first month of our relationship....But i'm glad he never gave up :)

Enjoying our Dinner :D

My aunt tammy! It was so good to have someone from my side of the family, Out of all my family I'm glad it was her!

Clay and His Aunt Karen, She Is so sweet, I'm glad we got to talk more on this vacation. She had some pretty funny stories about my husband!

Jordan And us, She is my new sister in law. She is so much fun! I love her attitude. Yes she's still a teenager, but she's really fun to be around!

Aunt Lisa, Definitly One of the funnest people i met on this trip :)

This weekend I went To Alabama to spend time with his family, It was.....Eventful...but better than it could have been, We were definitly faced with our first big conflict. But we pulled through and we are still doing well!! I love my Husband and Our family, I know our parents are going to get along, and that life couldn't be any better....well for where we are in our life right now :)

My hubby and One of his best friends Ben....What a character! By meeting people like Ben and his family, it was like getting to know my husband more, because they all made him, who he is today. And I'm so glad they did, because he is a wonderful man!

He never Smiles for pictures, which is DUMB!! My Husband Loves to smile and always is! So seeing pictures without him smiling is sad, because he's got a wonderful smile and I feel like he's trying to prove to the world that He's a serious person all the time, and he's not, he's funny and smart and always has something rediculous to say when I feel sad. And thats what I love about him...he knows how to make me smile even when I just want to cry :)